VisualTestStudio®︎ Japanese


This product is an application that supports the development of test programs
in a Windows environment.
It has features unique to VisualTestStudio® and provides an easy-to-develop environment.


developing anywhare

Test program development can be done on a stand-alone PC.
Reduce the time occupied by Semiconductor Testers.
This helps reduce test programs development costs.

Intuitive GUI

Base on SmarTest7, more intuitive GUI editing is available.
Enhanced GUI for easy operations even for beginners.
- Direct transition to the point you want to edit
- Test programs can be edited only by GUI operations

Flexible Scalability

Additional functionality can be added with plug-ins.
By developing additional functions in line with customer requests,
the application will evolve into a more useful application.


Test development without conversion

File compatibility allows you to simply copy the project folder on the tester and edit it in VisualTestStudio. Just copy the project folder on the tester and you can edit it in VisualTestStudio.

UI like SmarTest

Intuitive program development in all editors.

New GUI makes it even easier to use (*1)

GUI operation enables appropriate and automatic editing of test programs.
Prevents writing errors and program complexity.

*1 Functions and designs are subject to change without notice

System requirements

Operating System Windows 10
Windows 11
Runtime environment Microsoft .NET Framework4.6.2


VisualTestStudio® provides a variety of tools to support test program development.
All tools can be displayed and operated modelessly.
Below is an overview of each tool's functions and an image of each tool.

EditorName Features
TestFlow - Editing a Test Flow
- Selecting the definition test method
- Editing parameters
PinConfig - DUT pin definition
- Multi-site configuration
- Tester resource (channel) assignment
- Pin group settings
Levels - Applied voltage setting
- Clamping voltage setting
- Createing Level set
Timing - Edge setting
- Waveform definition
- Creating timing set
TestTable Editing detailed parameters during test execution
TestMethod - Editing a Test Method
- Editing test content based on C++
PinMonitor *2 PIN setting information extraction function
All editors *2 Error checking functions, such as checking set values and grammar

*2 This feature will be added in a future update.

Registered Trademark

- 'VisualTestStudio' is a registered trademark of EVALUTO Corp.
- 'Windows' is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.


Contact us (Agency):

ATE Service Corp.

Address: 5-6-23 Minamimachida Machida-shi, Tokyo 194-0005 Japan
Tel: +81-42-795-8600

Software download *3

*3 A license is required for use.